Monday, June 7, 2010

The Bible

We have all read the stories. We have learned about them. Some of us have even lived our lives by them. But just how realistic is the bible stories? Well let's consider the stories written in Genesis.

Adam and Eve are created without any knowledge of what is good or bad. And then they are told not to eat from a tree of knowledge, or else something bad will happen to them. Well, how are they supposed to comprehend this? Now along comes a talking snake. This snake tells them that if they eat from this tree, something good will happen to them. Besides the fact that snakes can't talk, how can someone without the capability to understand what good and bad is possibly grasp the concept of these given instructions?

How about the creation account? The sun, moon, and stars were created on the fourth day. Call me crazy, but how could this be possible since you need the sun to even have a day? And plantlife was created before the sun. If a day to God is 1000 years to a human, that would mean that plants would have had to survive for 1000 years without any heat.

And then there is the flood. This worldwide deluge supposedly wiped out all civilization on the planet besides Noah and his family. Yet there were those living in Egypt, China, and India at the time the flood was said to have happened. They have no record of a flood. Noah was supposed to have loaded the animals into the ark in 1 day. That would have meant that he could get 480 species per second inside the Ark. Impossible! Each person would have had to feed, water, and remove the excrement of about 5 million animals a piece. Um, no chance! One more thing to consider is that there would be no fresh water lakes. There also would have been many fish species that would have died.

The fact that there are many similar stories from other nations that existed long before Genesis was even written should be enough to make a person wonder about the validity of these stories. These stories are considered myths and legends in other lands.

And how about Jesus? Well, other lands had their own version of Jesus. In Egypt, he was Osiris, in Greece-Dionysis, Asia Minor-Attis, Syria-Adonis, Italy-Bacchus, and in Persia-Mithras. There was even a guy named Apollonius around the first century that was performing the exact same feats that Jesus was listed as doing. Were all of these other guys fakes? Not according to the citizens of those other lands.

We live in an age where people can investigate these things more in depth. In the past, religion has used fear tactics to scare people into a belief of God. But those days are over. All one needs to do is examine the bible for what it really is. A collection of stories, myths and legends.

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